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Databend Query Metrics

A databend-query server records metrics in table system.metrics.

The metric_api_address to listen on that can be scraped by Prometheus and will return a Prometheus format of metrics.

Note: Default metric_api_address value is : , Prometheus can access this uri:

MySQL> DESC system.metrics;
| Field | Type | Null | Default | Extra |
| metric | VARCHAR | NO | | |
| kind | VARCHAR | NO | | |
| labels | VARCHAR | NO | | |
| value | VARCHAR | NO | | |

Metrics has four attributes: metric, kind, labels, value.

metric indicate the name of the metric contained in the databend-query.

kind records the kind of metric. Now contains counter, gauge, summary and untyped.

labels records the label of metric.

value records the value of metric.


session_close_numbersThe number of sessions have been disconnected since the server was started. The kind is counter. The labels contain cluster_name and tenant.counter
session_connect_numbersThe number of sessions have been connected since the server was started. The kind and labels are same as session_close_numbers.counter
cluster_discovered_node_gaugeThe number of nodes discovered in the current cluster. The kind is gauge. The lables contain tenant_id, cluster_id, flight_address and local_id(a inner cluster unique id).gauge
parser_parse_usedtime_sumThe sum of sql parse used time. The kind is untyped.untyped
parser_parse_usedtime_countThe count of sql parse used. The kind is same as parser_parse_usedtime_sum.untyped
interpreter_usedtime_sumThe sum of sql interpreter used time. The kind is untyped.untyped
interpreter_usedtime_countThe count of sql interpreter used. The kind is same as interpreter_usedtime_sum.untyped
mysql_process_request_duration_sumThe sum of MySQL interactive process request used time. The kind is untyped.untyped
mysql_process_request_duration_countThe count of MySQL interactive process request used. The kind is same as mysql_process_request_duration_sum.untyped
interpreter_usedtimeSql interpreter used time. The kind is summary that used to track the distribution of a set of interpreter_usedtime. Value quantile contains: [0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999].summary
mysql_process_request_durationMySQL interactive process request used. The kind is summary that used to track the distribution of a set of mysql_process_request_duration. Value quantile contains: [0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999].summary
parser_parse_usedtimeSql parse used time. The kind is summary that used to track the distribution of a set of parser_parse_usedtime. Value quantile contains: [0.0, 0.5, 0.9, 0.99, 0.999].summary